Transaction Response
The transaction response is structured as follows:
Name | Description | Type |
Canal | Indicates the channel used for applying the payment in Lukapay | Number |
CargosAdicionales | Object containing additional charges. | Object |
Cuotas | Object containing information about installments. | Object |
Descripción | Contains the response of the payment application, such as transaction status and any additional information | String |
Exitoso | Indicates whether the transaction was successful or not. This is used to validate the response | Boolean |
FechaOperacion | Date the transaction occurred | String |
InfoProceso | Object containing more detailed information about the transaction status | Object |
InfoTarjeta | Object containing information about the credit card used to make the payment. Only applicable for card payments | Object |
InfoUsuarioPagador | Object that returns basic information about the user making the payment | Object |
MedioDePago | Indicates the payment method used | String |
MerchantId | Transaction reference from the merchant used to apply the payment | String |
Moneda | Code of the currency used for the payment | String |
Monto | Indicates the payment amount | Number |
MontoOriginal | Object with information about the original amount. This is used when currency conversion is needed | Object |
MontoUsd | Value of the amount in US dollars. This is used when the original amount is specified | Number |
TarjetaHabiente | Object containing information about the cardholder (if specified) | Object |
TransaccionId | Transaction reference in Lukapay | Number |
TransaccionMerchantId | Transaction reference from the merchant used to apply the payment | Number |
TrazaId | Internal identifier of the merchant. If the merchant does not provide it, a random code is generated | String |
Object Properties
Name | Description | Type |
Comision | Commission for the selected payment method | Number |
OtrosCargos | Other charges and fees added to the transaction | Array |
TotalCargos | Total sum of the commission and other charges | Number |
MonedaCargos | Currency in which the commission and charges are expressed | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Cuotas | Array of objects containing details of each installment | Array |
Contrato | Code associated with the payment installments | String |
Monto | Total amount of the payment installments | String |
Moneda | Code of the currency used for the payment | String |
UrlLink | URL of the payment installment link | String |
Object Properties within the Cuotas Array
Name | Description | Type |
NumCuota | Installment number | Number |
Monto | Amount of the installment | String |
FechaCorte | Due date for the installment payment | String |
FechaExpiracion | Expiration date for the installment payment | String |
Name | Description | Type |
EstatusProcesamiento | Processing status | String |
CodigoRespuestaCvv | CVV response code | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Bin | Bank Identification Number (BIN). These are the first 4 to 6 digits of the credit card number | String |
CategoriaTarjeta | Indicates whether the card is commercial or personal | String |
FechaVencimiento | Credit card expiration date in MM/YYYY format | String |
Pais | ISO code of the country where the credit card was issued | String |
SubTipoTarjeta | Indicates whether the card is credit or debit | String |
TipoTarjeta | Indicates the type of credit card, e.g., VISA, MASTER | String |
UltimosCuatroDigitos | Last 4 digits of the credit card | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Apellido | Last name of the user making the transaction | String |
Nombre | First name of the user making the transaction | String |
User's email address | String | |
NumeroIdentidad | User's identity number or national ID | String |
NumeroTelefono | User's phone number | String |
Name | Description | Type |
Apellido | Last name of the cardholder making the transaction | String |
Nombre | First name of the cardholder making the transaction | String |
NúmeroIdentificacionPersonal | Cardholder's identity number | String |
NumeroTelefono | Cardholder's phone number | String |
LukapayId | Cardholder's ID in the Lukapay vault. This value is returned only when guardarEnBoveda is set to TRUE in the Init method. The merchant must store this value in their own customer database | String |