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Transaction Response

The transaction response is structured as follows:

CanalIndicates the channel used for applying the payment in LukapayNumber
CargosAdicionalesObject containing additional charges.Object
CuotasObject containing information about installments.Object
DescripciónContains the response of the payment application, such as transaction status and any additional informationString
ExitosoIndicates whether the transaction was successful or not. This is used to validate the responseBoolean
FechaOperacionDate the transaction occurredString
InfoProcesoObject containing more detailed information about the transaction statusObject
InfoTarjetaObject containing information about the credit card used to make the payment. Only applicable for card paymentsObject
InfoUsuarioPagadorObject that returns basic information about the user making the paymentObject
MedioDePagoIndicates the payment method usedString
MerchantIdTransaction reference from the merchant used to apply the paymentString
MonedaCode of the currency used for the paymentString
MontoIndicates the payment amountNumber
MontoOriginalObject with information about the original amount. This is used when currency conversion is neededObject
MontoUsdValue of the amount in US dollars. This is used when the original amount is specifiedNumber
TarjetaHabienteObject containing information about the cardholder (if specified)Object
TransaccionIdTransaction reference in LukapayNumber
TransaccionMerchantIdTransaction reference from the merchant used to apply the paymentNumber
TrazaIdInternal identifier of the merchant. If the merchant does not provide it, a random code is generatedString

Object Properties


ComisionCommission for the selected payment methodNumber
OtrosCargosOther charges and fees added to the transactionArray
TotalCargosTotal sum of the commission and other chargesNumber
MonedaCargosCurrency in which the commission and charges are expressedString


CuotasArray of objects containing details of each installmentArray
ContratoCode associated with the payment installmentsString
MontoTotal amount of the payment installmentsString
MonedaCode of the currency used for the paymentString
UrlLinkURL of the payment installment linkString
Object Properties within the Cuotas Array
NumCuotaInstallment numberNumber
MontoAmount of the installmentString
FechaCorteDue date for the installment paymentString
FechaExpiracionExpiration date for the installment paymentString


EstatusProcesamientoProcessing statusString
CodigoRespuestaCvvCVV response codeString


BinBank Identification Number (BIN). These are the first 4 to 6 digits of the credit card numberString
CategoriaTarjetaIndicates whether the card is commercial or personalString
FechaVencimientoCredit card expiration date in MM/YYYY formatString
PaisISO code of the country where the credit card was issuedString
SubTipoTarjetaIndicates whether the card is credit or debitString
TipoTarjetaIndicates the type of credit card, e.g., VISA, MASTERString
UltimosCuatroDigitosLast 4 digits of the credit cardString


ApellidoLast name of the user making the transactionString
NombreFirst name of the user making the transactionString
EmailUser's email addressString
NumeroIdentidadUser's identity number or national IDString
NumeroTelefonoUser's phone numberString


ApellidoLast name of the cardholder making the transactionString
NombreFirst name of the cardholder making the transactionString
NúmeroIdentificacionPersonalCardholder's identity numberString
NumeroTelefonoCardholder's phone numberString
LukapayIdCardholder's ID in the Lukapay vault. This value is returned only when guardarEnBoveda is set to TRUE in the Init method. The merchant must store this value in their own customer databaseString