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Transaction Query

To retrieve the status of a payment, the value of the TrazaId field is sent as a parameter. This field is the same as the one sent when creating the transaction and corresponds to the unique identifier of the operation in the client's system.

The method specifications are as follows:


GET {URL}/api/v1/transaccion?{parameter}={parameterValue}


Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic {username:password}

Query Params

You can query a transaction using the following fields:

trazaIdInternal identifier of the merchant.String
transactionIdLuka transaction reference.Number
transaccionMerchantIdTransaction reference returned by the merchant used for paymentNumber
emailUser's email addressString
montoTransaction amountNumber


The response structure is described in Transaction Response.

Usage Example


GET {URL}/api/v1/transaccion?trazaId=e824b569323f

Response Body

"Monto": 1.03,
"MontoUsd": 0.0,
"InfoProceso": null,
"TarjetaHabiente": null,
"InfoUsuarioPagador": {
"Nombre": "Jhon",
"Apellido": "Doe",
"NumeroIdentidad": null,
"NumeroTelefono": null,
"Email": ""
"Moneda": "USD",
"InfoTarjeta": null,
"TransaccionId": 10130,
"TransaccionMerchantId": 0,
"Descripcion": "transacción aprobada",
"TrazaId": "e824b569323f",
"Exitoso": true,
"Canal": "Link de pago",
"MedioDePago": "Zelle",
"MontoOriginal": null,
"MerchantId": null,
"FechaOperacion": "06/21/2022 17:35:51",
"CargosAdicionales": null,
"Cuotas": null