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This document provides the specifications for payment with ETpay.

The URL is specified in Environments.

Authentication is done via a token (JWT) returned by the login method using the credentials provided by Lukapay. See documentation.


Banco Estadocl_estado
Banco Santandercl_santander
Banco de Chile/Edwardscl_bch
Banco Itaúcl_itau
Banco Scotiabankcl_scotiabank
Banco Falabellacl_falabella

Create session

Allows the creation of a session in ETpay and registers the transaction in the Luka system. The method will return the URL for the ETpay payment button.


GET {URL}/api/v1/transaccion/etpay.crear.sesion


Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
userIp: {client's IP address}

Request body

Field NameDescriptionTypeRequired
MontoOperation amountNumberYes
MonedaOperation currency codeStringYes
EmailCustomer's email address for the paymentStringYes
CodBancoPreseleccionadoBank codeStringYes
NombrePagadorCustomer's nameStringYes
UserRutPagadorPersonal Identifier (RUT) of the payerStringYes
BloquearRutUse true or false to lock the payer's RUT and prevent modification during paymentBooleanYes
ReferenciaFinal customer identification, if requiredStringNo
TrazaIdUnique traceability identifier in the merchant's databaseStringYes
CanalIdChannel through which the operation is performed. Possible values: - Pasarela - API (default) - Payment Link - Android - iOSNumberNo
CargosAdicionalesObject with information on additional chargesObjectNo
MontoOriginalObject with original amount information. Used when currency conversion is requiredObjectNo


Field NameDescriptionType
tokenUnique token to authenticate the payment session.String
signature_tokenSignature token to verify request integrity.String
terms_urlURL for the terms and conditions of service.String
urlSessionPayment session URL.String
transaccionIdTransaction reference in LukapayString

Example usage

Request body

"TrazaId": "6830bc36-ca0a-4c85-ad25-27dfab727d4b",
"Monto": 200,
"Moneda": "CLP",
"CanalId": 2,
"Email": "",
"NombrePagador": "Pedro Perez",
"Link": null,
"MontoOriginal": null,
"CargosAdicionales": null,
"Referencia": null,
"CodigoBancoPreSeleccionado": "cl_test"

Response body

"token": "PdcLTfQqNDat8NqvdFj9i4bcMbxAawDRsBHIDVGZ2ZZjhmEhinitl8Gtpxz14Hwv",
"signature_token": "pnt2u09ju8tIFzkk93C3tlzVp6Lfw3eN0kxzcsEkjSjQWm3hhI6cRHJCLaw3GPJ7",
"terms_url": "",
"urlSession": "",
"transaccionId": "104094"


Allows you to query the transaction once the payment has been made through the Etpay button.


POST {URL}/api/v1/transaccion/etpay.consultar


Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
userIp: {client's IP address}

Request body

Field NameDescriptionTypeRequired
TransaccionIdTransaction reference in LukapayStringYes
TokenSessionResponse token from the etpay.crear.sesion methodStringYes


Field NameDescriptionType
CanalChannel used to process the paymentNumber
CargosAdicionalesAdditional charges detailsObject
CuotasInformation about payment installmentsObject
DescripciónResponse providing the transaction status and any additional informationString
ExitosoIndicates if the transaction was successfulBoolean
FechaOperacionDate and time of the transactionString
InfoProcesoDetailed information about the transaction statusObject
InfoTarjetaCredit card details used for payment (if applicable)Object
InfoUsuarioPagadorInformation about the customer making the paymentObject
MedioDePagoPayment method usedString
MerchantIdMerchant's transaction identifierString
MonedaCurrency used for the paymentString
MontoAmount paidNumber
MontoOriginalInformation about the original amount (if currency conversion applies)Object
MontoUsdValue of the amount in U.S. dollarsNumber
TarjetaHabientePayer's details if a card is usedObject
TransaccionIdTransaction identifier in LukapayNumber
TransaccionMerchantIdTransaction identifier from the merchantNumber
TrazaIdUnique identifier for the transaction in the merchant's databaseString

For more details on the response objects, see Transaction Response.

Example usage

Request body

"TransaccionId": "104094",
"TokenSession": "PdcLTfQqNDat8NqvdFj9i4bcMbxAawDRsBHIDVGZ2ZZjhmEhinitl8Gtpxz14Hwv"

Response body

"Monto": 200,
"MontoUsd": 0.21,
"InfoProceso": {
"EstatusProcesamiento": "success",
"CodigoRespuestaCvv": null
"TarjetaHabiente": null,
"InfoUsuarioPagador": {
"Nombre": "Pedro",
"Apellido": "Pérez",
"NumeroIdentidad": "111111111",
"NumeroTelefono": null,
"Email": ""
"Moneda": "CLP",
"InfoTarjeta": null,
"TransaccionId": 104094,
"TransaccionMerchantId": 104094,
"Descripcion": "success",
"TrazaId": "6830bc36-ca0a-4c85-ad25-27dfab727d4b",
"Exitoso": true,
"Canal": "Api",
"MedioDePago": "Transferencia",
"MontoOriginal": null,
"MerchantId": "GaUigw1MqmJqtpiwXsUBEDmyc8BcxE7RGytuMGUbWqVGSXjKMAtAwEnP9uZ53ux9",
"FechaOperacion": "2024-09-20 10:48:08.000000+00:00",
"CargosAdicionales": null,
"Cuotas": null