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This document provides the specifications for implementing Mercantil payment methods through the Luka API.

The URL is specified in Environments.

Authentication is done via a token (JWT) returned by the login method using the credentials provided by Lukapay. See documentation.

Payment methods

Auth for Debit Card Payment

Allows you to obtain the authentication key to pay with a debit card through BNC.


POST {URL}/api/v1/transaccion/mercantil.auth


Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}

Request Body

Field NameDescriptionTypeRequired
TarjetaThe card numberStringYes
CedulaThe ID numberStringYes
ClientIdentifyObject with client connection dataObjectNo

ClientIdentify Object Properties

Field NameDescriptionTypeRequired
ipaddressIP address where the connection is madeStringYes
browser_agentBrowser from which the connection is madeStringYes


Field NameDescriptionType
ExitosoIndicates if the authentication was successfulBoolean
TipoDeAutorizacionType of authorizationString
InfoAutorizacionObject with information from MercantilObject

Example Usage

Request Body

"Tarjeta": "501878200066287386",
"Cedula": "18366876",
"ClientIdentify": {
"ipaddress": "",
"browser_agent": "Chrome 18.1.3"

Response Body

"Exitoso": true,
"TipoDeAutorizacion": "opt",
"InfoAutorizacion": {
"procesing_date": null,
"trx_status": "approved",
"trx_type": "solaut",
"payment_method": "tdd",
"twofactor_type": "4tKfujuhjjd89sdjh=="
"errorauth": "Numero de tarjeta incorrecto"

Error Codes

401acceso no autorizado
500ocurrió un error inesperado

Debit Card

Allows you to make payments with a debit card.


Authentication is required as a prior step; this corresponds to the previous method.


POST {URL}/api/v1/transaccion/mercantil.paytdd


Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}

Request Body

Field NameDescriptionTypeRequired
TarjetaThe card number linked to the authenticationStringYes
CedulaThe ID number linked to the authenticationStringYes
ClientIdentifyObject linked to the authenticationObjectNo
NombreTarjetaHabienteCardholder's nameStringYes
TipodeCuentaAccount typeStringYes
ClaveTelefonicaPhone keyStringYes
FechaExpiracionExpiration date. Required format mm/yyyyStringYes
CodigoSeguridadSecurity codeStringYes
InfoAutorizacionObject with Mercantil authentication response dataObjectYes
trazaIdUnique trace identifier in the merchant's database. It is recommended to always send.StringNo


Example Usage

Request Body

"Tarjeta": "501878200066287386",
"Cedula": "18366876",
"ClientIdentify": {
"ipaddress": "",
"browser_agent": "Chrome 18.1.3"
"NombreTarjetaHabiente": "Adquiriente",
"TipodeCuenta": "ahorro",
"ClaveTelefonica": "11111111",
"FechaExpiracion": "03/2022",
"CodigoSeguridad": "563",
"Monto": 1,
"InfoAutorizacion": {
"authentication_info": {
"procesing_date": null,
"trx_status": "approved",
"trx_type": "solaut",
"payment_method": "tdd",
"twofactor_type": "4tKooo0HYTEV45jHHJ=="
"merchant_identify": {
"integratorId": 200292,
"merchantId": 200292,
"terminalId": "apipayco"

Response Body

"Descripcion":"transacción exitosa",
"FechaOperacion":"2023-04-01 13:36:47.588913+00:00",
"Descripcion":"Cliente informado no es titular del medio de pago",
"FechaOperacion":"2023-04-01 13:36:47.588913+00:00",

Credit Card

Allows processing payments with Mercantil's credit card.


POST {URL}/api/v1/transaccion/mercantil.paytdc


Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
userIp: {client's IP address}

Request Body

Field NameDescriptionTypeRequired
CedulaIdentification document associated with the debit card to payStringYes
TarjetaDebit card numberStringYes
IdTrazaUnique identifier for traceability in the merchant's databaseStringYes
NombreTarjetaHabientePayer's nameStringYes
FechaExpiracionExpiration date of the debit card. Format: “MM/YYYY”StringYes
CodigoSeguridadSecurity code CVVStringNo
MontoAmount of the transactionNumberYes
IdCanalChannel through which the transaction is made. Possible values: 1. Gateway, 2. API (default), 3. Payment Link, 4. Android, 5. iOSNumberNo
EmailEmail address of the client making the paymentStringYes
DireccionIpIP address from where the connection is madeStringYes
CargosAdicionalesObject with additional charges informationObjectNo


Field NameDescriptionType
CanalChannel used to process the paymentNumber
CargosAdicionalesAdditional charges detailsObject
CuotasInformation about payment installmentsObject
DescripciónResponse providing the transaction status and any additional informationString
ExitosoIndicates if the transaction was successfulBoolean
FechaOperacionDate and time of the transactionString
InfoProcesoDetailed information about the transaction statusObject
InfoTarjetaCredit card details used for payment (if applicable)Object
InfoUsuarioPagadorInformation about the customer making the paymentObject
MedioDePagoPayment method usedString
MerchantIdMerchant's transaction identifierString
MonedaCurrency used for the paymentString
MontoAmount paidNumber
MontoOriginalInformation about the original amount (if currency conversion applies)Object
MontoUsdValue of the amount in U.S. dollarsNumber
TarjetaHabientePayer's details if a card is usedObject
TransaccionIdTransaction identifier in LukapayNumber
TransaccionMerchantIdTransaction identifier from the merchantNumber
TrazaIdUnique identifier for the transaction in the merchant's databaseString

For more details on the response objects, see Transaction Response.

Example Usage

Request body

"IdTraza": "dc12c15d2cbe",
"Tarjeta": "4850123456789010",
"Cedula": "V12345678",
"NombreTarjetaHabiente": "Pedro Perez",
"FechaExpiracion": "12/2024",
"CodigoSeguridad": "123",
"Monto": 10.0,
"DireccionIp": "",
"IdCanal": 2,
"MontoOriginal": null,
"Link": null,
"Email": "",
"BrowserAgent": "Chrome",
"Referencia": null,
"CargosAdicionales": {
"Comision": 0.0,
"OtrosCargos": [
"Concepto": "IVA",
"Monto": 1.6
"TotalCargos": 1.6,
"MonedaCargos": "VES"

Response body

"Monto": 10.0,
"MontoUsd": 0.0,
"InfoProceso": null,
"TarjetaHabiente": {
"Nombre": "Pedro Perez",
"Apellido": "",
"NumeroIdentificacionPersonal": null,
"NumeroTelefono": null,
"LukapayId": null
"InfoUsuarioPagador": null,
"Moneda": "VES",
"InfoTarjeta": {
"Id": 0,
"UltimosCuatroDigitos": "9010",
"SubTipoTarjeta": null,
"TipoTarjeta": null,
"CategoriaTarjeta": null,
"Bin": "485012",
"FechaVencimiento": "12/2024",
"Pais": null,
"EstaBoveda": false,
"Direccion": null,
"Descripcion": null,
"IdStatus": 0,
"Moneda": null,
"Ciudad": null,
"Estado": null,
"CodigoPostal": null
"TransaccionId": 82025,
"TransaccionMerchantId": 442528,
"Descripcion": "transacción exitosa",
"TrazaId": "dc12c15d2cbe",
"Exitoso": true,
"Canal": "API",
"MedioDePago": "Crédito",
"MontoOriginal": null,
"MerchantId": null,
"FechaOperacion": null,
"CargosAdicionales": {
"Comision": 0.0,
"OtrosCargos": [
"Concepto": "IVA",
"Monto": 1.6
"TotalCargos": 1.6,
"MonedaCargos": "VES"

Payment C2P

Allows making payments through the C2P modality


POST {URL}/api/v1/transaccion/mercantil.payc2p


Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
userIp: {customer's IP address}

Request Body

Field NameDescriptionTypeRequired
TelefonoDestinoCustomer payer's phone numberStringYes
CodigoBancoDestinoBank code of the payerStringYes
IdTrazaUnique trace identifier in the merchant's databaseStringYes
NumeroCedulaCustomer payer's IDStringYes
NombrePagadorCustomer payer's nameStringNo
MontoAmount of the operationNumberYes
IdCanalChannel through which the operation is carried out. Possible values: 1: Gateway, 2: API (default), 3: Payment Link, 4: Android, 5: iOSNumberNo
EmailEmail address of the customer making the paymentStringYes
ReferenciaIdentification of the final customer if requiredStringNo
ClavePagoOTP codeStringYes
DireccionIpIP address from where the connection is madeStringYes


Field NameDescriptionType
CanalChannel used to process the paymentNumber
CargosAdicionalesAdditional charges detailsObject
CuotasInformation about payment installmentsObject
DescripciónResponse providing the transaction status and any additional informationString
ExitosoIndicates if the transaction was successfulBoolean
FechaOperacionDate and time of the transactionString
InfoProcesoDetailed information about the transaction statusObject
InfoTarjetaCredit card details used for payment (if applicable)Object
InfoUsuarioPagadorInformation about the customer making the paymentObject
MedioDePagoPayment method usedString
MerchantIdMerchant's transaction identifierString
MonedaCurrency used for the paymentString
MontoAmount paidNumber
MontoOriginalInformation about the original amount (if currency conversion applies)Object
MontoUsdValue of the amount in U.S. dollarsNumber
TarjetaHabientePayer's details if a card is usedObject
TransaccionIdTransaction identifier in LukapayNumber
TransaccionMerchantIdTransaction identifier from the merchantNumber
TrazaIdUnique identifier for the transaction in the merchant's databaseString

For more details on the response objects, see Transaction Response.

Example Usage

Request Body

"Email": "",
"DireccionIp": "",
"ClavePago": "12345678",
"Monto": 10,
"CodigoBancoDestino": "0123",
"NumeroCedula": "V123456789",
"TelefonoDestino": "584121234567",
"Link": null,
"Referencia": null,
"IdTraza": "2a5da8b19622",
"IdCanal": 2,
"NombrePagador": "Pedro Perez",
"MontoOriginal": null,
"CargosAdicionales": null

Response Body

"Monto": 10.0,
"MontoUsd": 0.0,
"InfoProceso": null,
"TarjetaHabiente": null,
"InfoUsuarioPagador": {
"Nombre": "Pedro",
"Apellido": "Perez",
"NumeroIdentidad": "V123456789",
"NumeroTelefono": "584121234567",
"Email": ""
"Moneda": "VES",
"InfoTarjeta": null,
"TransaccionId": 102638,
"TransaccionMerchantId": 102638,
"Descripcion": "transacción exitosa",
"TrazaId": "2a5da8b19622",
"Exitoso": true,
"Canal": "Api",
"MedioDePago": "C2P",
"MontoOriginal": null,
"MerchantId": null,
"FechaOperacion": null,
"CargosAdicionales": null,
"Cuotas": null


Allows making a P2P transaction from Mercantil bank.


POST {URL}/api/v1/transaccion/mercantil.payp2p.token


Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}

Query Params

The following parameters are sent through the query string of the request:

userIpStringIP address from where the connection is made
idUsuarioStringUnique identifier of the user
emailStringEmail address of the user


Array of objects with the following structure:

Field NameDescriptionTypeRequired
NumeroCedulaIdentification document associated with the destination phoneStringYes
TelefonoDestinoDestination phone for the fundsStringYes
MontoAmount of the operationNumberYes
CodigoBancoDestinoDestination bank codeStringYes
DescripcionDescription added by the userStringYes


If successful, the response will have a status code of 202. Additionally, an email will be sent to the user who made the transaction with the result of the process.




Request body

"NumeroCedula": "V6888473",
"TelefonoDestino": "584166227839",
"Monto": 12.00,
"CodigoBancoDestino": "0105",
"Descripcion": "P2P Test V1"
"NumeroCedula": "V6888473",
"TelefonoDestino": "584166227839",
"Monto": 50.99,
"CodigoBancoDestino": "0105",
"Descripcion": "P2P Test V2"