Banco Venezolano de Crédito
This document provides the specifications for implementing Banco Venezolano de Crédito payment methods through the Luka API.
The URL is specified in Environments.
Authentication is done via a token (JWT) returned by the login method using the credentials provided by Lukapay. See documentation.
Payment methods
Instant Debit
This method consists of two steps for its implementation. The first step initiates the payment, and the idPago
(payment ID) is obtained, which is provided by the bank. The second step involves the customer sending the OTP code to validate and confirm the payment.
Initiate Payment
POST {URL}/api/v1/transaccion/vzolano.debito
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
userIp: {client's IP address}
Request Body
Field Name | Description | Type | Required |
IdTraza | Unique traceability identifier in the merchant's database | String | Yes |
Cedula | Identification document of the natural or legal person benefiting from the funds | String | Yes |
Monto | Amount of the operation | Number | Yes |
Email address of the customer making the payment | String | Yes | |
CuentaTelefonoPagador | Phone number from which the mobile payment was made | String | Yes |
NombrePagador | Customer's name | String | Yes |
TipoCuenta | Type of Account. Possible values: “CNTA”: Account, “CELE”: Phone (default), “ALIS”: Alias. | String | No |
TrackingId | Internal customer identifier. | String | No |
CodBancoPagador | Code of the destination bank of the funds | String | Yes |
IdCanal | Channel through which the operation is performed. Possible values: Gateway, API (default), Payment Link, Android, iOS | Number | No |
Referencia | Identification of the final customer if required | String | No |
CargosAdicionales | Object with additional charges information | Object | No |
MontoOriginal | Object with information about the original amount. Used when currency conversion is required | Object | No |
Name | Description | Type |
TransaccionId | Transaction reference in Lukapay | Number |
IdPago | Payment identifier | Number |
ReferenciaBCV | Reference from the Central Bank of Venezuela | String |
Example Usage
Request Body
"IdTraza": "62b72900-ad67-4de1-953a-12fcb37859ed",
"Cedula": "V12345678",
"Monto": 16.03,
"Email": "",
"CuentaTelefonoPagador": "4121234567",
"NombrePagador": "Pedro",
"CodBancoPagador": "0134",
"IdCanal": 1,
"Link": null,
"MontoOriginal": null,
"CargosAdicionales": null,
"Referencia": ""
Response Body
"TransaccionId": 104027,
"IdPago": 8951,
"ReferenciaBCV": "01042024091702053200000482"
Validate Payment
POST {URL}/api/v1/transaccion/vzolano.debito.consultar
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
Request Body
Field Name | Description | Type | Required |
TransaccionId | Transaction reference in Lukapay | Number | Yes |
IdPago | Payment ID | Number | Yes |
OTP | One-time password (OTP) | String | Yes |
Field Name | Description | Type |
Canal | Channel used to process the payment | Number |
CargosAdicionales | Additional charges details | Object |
Cuotas | Information about payment installments | Object |
Descripción | Response providing the transaction status and any additional information | String |
Exitoso | Indicates if the transaction was successful | Boolean |
FechaOperacion | Date and time of the transaction | String |
InfoProceso | Detailed information about the transaction status | Object |
InfoTarjeta | Credit card details used for payment (if applicable) | Object |
InfoUsuarioPagador | Information about the customer making the payment | Object |
MedioDePago | Payment method used | String |
MerchantId | Merchant's transaction identifier | String |
Moneda | Currency used for the payment | String |
Monto | Amount paid | Number |
MontoOriginal | Information about the original amount (if currency conversion applies) | Object |
MontoUsd | Value of the amount in U.S. dollars | Number |
TarjetaHabiente | Payer's details if a card is used | Object |
TransaccionId | Transaction identifier in Lukapay | Number |
TransaccionMerchantId | Transaction identifier from the merchant | Number |
TrazaId | Unique identifier for the transaction in the merchant's database | String |
For more details on the response objects, see Transaction Response.
Example Usage
Request Body
"TransaccionId": "104027",
"IdPago": "8951",
"OTP": "123456"
Respose body
"Monto": 16.03,
"MontoUsd": 0,
"InfoProceso": {
"EstatusProcesamiento": "success",
"CodigoRespuestaCvv": null
"TarjetaHabiente": null,
"Moneda": "VES",
"InfoTarjeta": null,
"TransaccionId": 104027,
"TransaccionMerchantId": 104027,
"Descripcion": "success",
"TrazaId": "62b72900-ad67-4de1-953a-12fcb37859ed",
"Exitoso": true,
"Canal": "Api",
"MedioDePago": "Transferencia",
"MontoOriginal": null,
"MerchantId": "104027",
"FechaOperacion": "2024-09-20 10:48:08.000000+00:00",
"CargosAdicionales": null,
"Cuotas": null